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19 sept 2002 thursday - 11:47

Fucking insane dreams I've been having!!!

Last night I was in some crazy industrial building with all these huge machines, then I had come home from my stay in Senegal and was visiting someone who abstractly was v. but didnt look like her, in fact she looked like Kaitlyn from Madison (wow I haven't thought about her in forever). Except she was dressed in this tight latex gear and she had a huge long dildo attached to a harness. Her hair was all shaved except this mix of tank girl-esque hair and a mohawk at the fronttop and was dyed purple and a really beautiful deep blue. She was living with a girl and I was teasing the girl a little (by that I mean sexually teasing her, spanking a little and such). It was just play cuz the girl and her partner who was neither male nor female but just there were going out for the evening. The apartment we were in was all black and blue lights and the ceilings were very high; it was really dope.

I started to wonder if I wasn't supposed to be in Senegal instead of where I was and when I led the girl and her partner out of the apartment I shut the door behind them and looked at the door very carefully to check if I was dreaming. I thought that if I was dreaming the door couln't have a lot of detail, but it was incredibly detailed! Little varnish chips worn away where time and many hands had passed glints of light in exactly the right places..then I was like, shit I am dreaming I bet I will wake up soon.

But I wanted to be with v. before I woke up so I went immediately to her and pushed her down against the couch-like thing she was sitting on and I started grasping her breasts and kissing her but she was no longer v. she was a black woman and I felt her breast disappear under my hands and became a male chest and her body suddenly had something hard (the dildo had disappeared long ago) pressed against my vagina but it wasnt a penis it was some sort of tool and I thought shit I'm waking up and I was terrified that I had been groping Adie in my sleep (we share a bed, I'm not actually attracted to her but the dream was so so real) and I was thinking where are my hands where are my hands.

And I woke up to Adie but she was a man (I thought I was awake but I was still dreaming and I forgot that I was dreaming) and she was choking me with the end of a hanger. I figured out that she had been choking me every night and thats why I had been having such fucked dreams and I got really pissed. We were in a really small white room that was like a balcony overlooking the inside stairwell of this really really tall building (I couldnt see the bottom). I picked the Adie-man up and threw her-im off the balcony-bed down the stairs. I pressed against the metallic doors to try to leave but then I realized I had just tried to kill the now man and he hadn't landed down the stairs, but on some grate that partially covered the opening and he was coming after me...

Then I woke for real. I felt my body to see if I was really awake (by this I mean I was laying still and sensing the sheets with my skin, not feeling myself up) and I was laying flat on my back a good two feet from Adie..I was at that point afraid that I had been hogging the bed since I went to sleep before she came to bed. But I wasn't.

I started to drift off into hypnogogia but I didn't want to go back to the dream cuz it was creepy since it was so real and so I found my watch and checked the time. 2 am. I hadnt been sleeping for more than an hour and a half.. I laid there and I could feel and hear something scampering around under the bed. A rat? A lizard? A dream? I have no clue. I've had so many crazy ass dreams... I don't always remember them though.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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