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30 sept 2002 monday - 18:10

The paper I'm writing is such a load of horse shit. I can't believe I have to crank out eight pages of this drivel! Four down; four to go.

The deal is this: the class is only once a week but the prof has been out of the country for two weeks which means weve only ever had the class once. So she gave us these completely pathetic and outdated articles that sound like they were written for seventeen magazine and we are supposed to reflect how the themes of our articles affect our ideas about our upcoming internship experiences; which is especially dumb because half of us don't even know what our internships are yet. Basically it's just busywork because the prof doesn't put teaching this class at a very high priority in her life but needs to make it look like we are learning something. I like her as a person it's really too bad her class sucks such shit; and that she is disrespecting my financial situation and our time by wasting it so.

These classes are so dumbed down, I can't hack it. They are all upper level in number but I think they compare to high school classes ...They had to find the profs last minute since the other profs bailed to work elsewhere. Nice that my last year that is supposed to be intense critical analysis and whatnot is so menial.

Arg...okay focusfocus the more I procrastinate the more I have to sit here and think about how fucking lame this paper is. Maybe I'll post it when I'm done so y'all can see how much bullshitting spacefilling mind numbing drivel I have had to type to accomplish a decent grade for this class; the only one that even matters for me in order to graduate.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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