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i have this recurrent dream...

25 octobre 2002 friday - 15:42

It is dark, I am with others; we are running to get into a hole because the island across the sea from us is volcanic and it is going to errupt soon..I've done this before, in another dream..I know what to do. We climb into a hole that is actually a shelf at the top of a huge underground chamber, the opening to the hole must close so that we don't get burnt by the impending lava..close close close, barely in time, we are safe.

I am sort of awake, I remember to remember my dream and think about how Goree Island is a volcanic island ..

I am on this (diaryland) website, someone has created a link on it for me to an online video game; which I start to play and it is a role playing sort of game, I must get through a maze of sorts and kill these beasts along the way. It is hard but I succeed and I am in the basement of the maze now (not playing) a voice like that of the intro voice in the Lord of the Rings comes to me and explains that this particular rock is the rock of Mor..something; it explains that this rock represents modern life and it is not life that is dying but nature, it is wise; this revelation but I do not remember it exactly; I leave the basement which is under huge sets of bleachers. Everyone has been playing the game on my site and loves it I am a celebrity, people on the bleachers realize who I am and tell me they love my site but I tell them I didn't even put the game on there and I wonder to myself who did..

It doesn't sound it but it was a really rad dream. I wish I could remember exactly what that voice said..I doze again..

I am in an ice cream shop with Josh K, trying to decide what flavors I want. Mary M walks in and says hi k. Hi Mary, how are you? No response.

I think about how we left this summer, I wonder if she is still frustrated with me, if I am still frustrated with her.

Mbagnick Ponge; that is the boy I am seeing. He thinks he is going to marry me some day. I laughed my ass off when he said that, I said I never want to marry. He said the future will show which of us is right. On verra, I replied, on verra. We both laughed.

I think the future will show that I am, because he doesn't know many things about me that would probably shock his Mauride pants off. I also know very little about him..but he and the Medina crew are fun. He wants me to stay in Dakar and not move to Lugga to the farm. I tell him this is a possibility if I hate the farm, but that it is my premiere choix um first choice for an internship. He tells me that while I was away for the weekend it caused him pain. I asked where? Your arm? Your leg? He realizes I'm giving him shit. It usually takes him a minute to catch on when I'm bullshitting him. But he acts in such a funny way, how can I not tease him? He had a silver bracelet made for me, and is having a headwrap batique made, he paid for my taxi fare the other night and held the door open for me.

It's wierd. He knows I'm leaving. I suspect he wants to be suma jekkel um my husband because I have a very fine American passport. But I don't really mind. We discuss the nature of relationships, he tells me bullshit like how much of a crush he has on me, and how in Senegal you can have love at first sight. I tell him he really means lust, and that love is something based in friendship and deep connection..he uses my relationship history to argue against my theories on when the word love is appropriate. I agree to disagree. I try to explain what the word skeptical means since I don't know how to translate it.

We all went to the beach to cook chicken and hotdogs and corn and eat pringles..I help start the fire and cook and he wants me to fix us both plates..this is getting dangerously in the realm of "womenwork" so I explain that while I am happy to do things for other people it is not because I am female that I "should" do something and because he is male that he "shouldn't." I think it's crap and I won't deal with it. The other boys also try to pull the same thing with their girls (we are four couples and a few extra boys) and Tanea says it's self service, gentlemen, that's the American way... Thank you Tanea I say.

I am starting to like rap and RnB. I am afraid of alcohol since the last time I had a mixed drink I got diarrhea the next day, which I really hadn't had previously. Whatever it is that my body is doing to keep in balance I theorize was disturbed by the liquor. It's really kind of nice to be in such a drug and alcohol free culture. Not that its non-existent; of course there are drugs and alcohol but there isn't so much of a DnA culture whereby activities mainly consist of procuring and using DnA.

I should leave. I skipped my djembe lesson today in favor of researching possible vacation options. I found this rad 7 day fair trade/ecofriendly trip in kenya that I am considering. I would like to go to Cameroon, but I think it would be difficult to find English activities there and mom's French is not going to be good enough to follow what a French tour guide is saying really. Plus i would enjoy seeing more of Africa than "just" West Africa. I also know that Kenya is pretty safe for Americans. Too bad Zimbabwe is so unstable, I would like to have gone there. Too bad Bush is such a fuck face, I would like to have gone to Egypt but it's not exactly full of pro-American sentiment at this time.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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