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:a dozen winters of loneliness:::and a dozen summers against the world:

28 jul 2003 mon - 00:09

its actually sunday night. but at nine minutes past, technically its monday.

my browser is being really fucked up.

anyway, i am back in madison; the greyhound (freezing and the seats were itchy=very little sleep) rolled into madtown about 5:45 this morning. i slept until two, when my family (mom, bro, carrie, my niece) all woke me up. it was nice. its kind of beautiful to leave people you love and a city that makes you happy. i watched as all the pretty skyscrapers floated away from my window into the open grasses... i was a little sad and trying to absorb the beauty of City as much as i could since i guess it will be awhile before i am up there at night. i guess im just happy that i have concrete things to pine for, and visit.

although i am not at all excited about it, i dont hate madison and i feel refreshed and ready to take this town on after my soujourn in the cities. surely i can find some crustie granola types to play with here...

mpls was a success! by the way. i saw nearly everyone i would have wanted to, including josh1 and mary1... josh1 called me after i left a note for him that i was in town at the place i heard he was working. he apologized profusely and sounded like he really felt like shit about it. mary apologized in her own way, and we spent a dinner and an evening together. we enjoyed each other's company...

i only tried to play with them once, my main base and where i spent the majority of time was at at ministry of information (name of a house that legally contains v, isabelle, jeremy, gabe, and occasionally contains amelia, todi, becky, lance, weston, jordan, me, and others.

my other base was at josh2's house, with he and mary2 and his two roommates: ryan and eden.

we cooked and cleaned and talked and drank lots of black label. we dumpstered bread and cookies and made root beer schnapps floats. we had Writer's Club and i wrote a piece of fiction for the first time in a year (!) and even though it wasnt complete and i didnt like it that much i still read it. we had Horror Movie Night only it was taken over and we watched bad pirate movies instead of bad horror movies. i cant believe horror movie night lasted the whole year i was gone: every thursday people drink lots of cheap beer (black label or sometimes OE) and watch lots of bad movies and play and yell.

jess and i also went with total strangers to buy bootleg liquor at two am on sunday night; we ended up forking out like 50 dollars for gas and a tip and a case of Old English and they smoked crack in the car while we were driving around. They offered us some, but we each had a cigarette instead. i've never done crack and free new drugs surely peaks an interest, but probably i dont need to start liking crack at this point in my life so i smoked a cigarette...i wanted to smoke something, dammit!

(i am a multiple ex-smoker; ie i generally smoke for a year or two and quit for a year or two..since i was ten; right now and hopefully forever i am a non-smoker)

i fixed a bike and donated it (temporarily and in my absence) to the ministry of information and i helped v built a pair of stilts (assisted by no less than twelve trips to the local hardware store and one trip to a home depot in new brighton - on bike of course coz we kick ass) and i rescued my stilts and repaired them.

which is nice coz i have STILTS YAY to play on and people have been asking me to help them know about stilts (building, walking on) here and so now i can help them.

oh and v and i planned a zine. we are going to do a sort of essay and response sort of thing, conducted through u.s. postal mail coz getting real mail is a lot better than getting emails and attached files.

um..then i came home and enacted the envisioning i had of how i could set up my room so there would be a permenant art space after all. so now i am going to finish this painting that i abandonned last year. and i can start new things. and my old comp is set up and has internet, so i can use that instead of my moms fancy lap top. i dont like laptops much, the touchpad gives me carpel tunnel.

but my site looks all funny on my comp. one coz the fonts are all different so it was all in times new roman, which is boring so i changed shit around. i dont know if any of you out there can tell coz probably we have different fonts on our comps. two coz my screen is old and starting to lose its luster so the background looks really grey and dull. i am working on putting all the words and date and title of each page in a box with a plain background so this is easier to read...

..but i spent hours looking through online tutorials and messing around on my page to no avail, except that sitting around with my legs open and a skirt with no underwear (its all dirty, so commando it is) got me kind of turned on and i had a very lovely orgasm with my pretty blue dildo. its been awhile since ive had an actual orgasm, and god do i fucking love them. its amazing that my body can produce that much pleasure on its own, orgasms are like drugs that start from your insides on the bottom..

most drugs that feel that good are more of a head and inside on your top sort of thing.

hmm..now that i have fast internet, i can download a bunch of songs. YAY! i could never really do that before coz it always took too long to be worth it.


oh my fuck i almost forgot, and i got THE BEST SOCKS EVER..i was a consumer whore at target and got brown black and red and white striped warm TIGHTS and also SOCKs and huge soft knitted black LEG WARMERS that make me feel like my little pony or an anime character or both...OH unfortunate consumer JOY, my weakness is striped socks and leg warmers...

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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