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another inane entry

27 aug 2002 tuesday - 12:33

This morning my dream took place at old friend's houses.

My brother and Shaun and I were going to visit Jordan because he had new guitars to show us. We walked into a side door which was the structure of Jana's mom's side door, and when we were upstairs visiting Jordan the room and hallway were the structure of my childhood friend from Waukesha, Jessica K**mp. Jordan had shaved off his dreds, only the job wasnt very good and you could still feel little dred lumps on top. He had three new guitars, one of them was made of wood although it was electric and had all these bizarre elements. I was playing with it but it only would produce sound sometimes, there was some sort of short or connection problem. There were other people around as well, strangers. One lady was on her cell talking to her friend Terry about the non-plastic guitar I was using..

All people do here is go to bars. They don't go for walks, they don't go to shows. They maybe go see djs that arent very good sometimes. Don't they get sick of spending too much money on beer and waking up hungover? I know I am sick of it. Last night I went to the Annex (a bar on Madison's west side that has a room with djs on Mondays) because Cory and I wanted to see one another before I left and that was the meeting spot set for whatever reason. Flying Dog Tirebiter was two for one and of course I drank a six pack (god forbid I should enjoy in moderation).

When we first got there I didn't want to be there at all. Sitting in a dully lit room full of cigarette smoke and bad songs on the jukebox isn't what I was in the mood for. So I sat apart from everyone (Shaun and Cory were playing pool) and read Assata for like 20 minutes. Then this girl that turned out to be Shaun's boss came over to bother me. She said that I was driving her nuts by reading when we were supposed to be drinking. As if drinking were something unique that I needed to pay attention to instead of my book. I engaged in small talk for a bit before reading again. I really wasn't interested in talking with her about the bullshit she wanted to talk about, like who was sleeping with who at her job. Shaun later told me that she told him she had never read a book cover to cover in her wholelife. What a strange existence that must be, books and reading ahve always been such a large part of what I do. I'm sick of smokey environments, I was coughing a lot this morning..deep coughs that I haven't felt for like 2 weeks. Will this cold ever die?

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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