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26 aug 2002 monday - 04:32

It's early. There is a bat in the house and it is swooping back and forth between the living room, where I am sitting, and the dining room. S/he flies really close to me, within inches. I can hear the gentle flutter of her/his wings. It's nice to watch. It reminds me of when I lived in Sauk and how we always got bats there. I would get freaked out and duck away when the bats would fly close to me. Now that seems silly. Bats fly around all the time, among trees and catching insects. I'm sure it wouldn't fly into me unless I made a very sudden movement into its flightpath, and I don't think im good for landing on based on the types of surfaces ive seen bats land on. I suppose eventually I should make some sort of effort to catch the bat so the cats dont kill it, but right now I'm enjoying its company. In Senegal it is 09:32. I'm pretty sure they use the so called military time, since I know they do in France and Senegal was colonized by the French. I am going to attempt to get my sleeping schedule somewhat close to Senegal time before I leave. This is difficult cuz that means I have to get up at like 4 in the morning. No problem today because I went to sleep at about 8 pm and actually woke at 1 am, after a dream...

I was at the Anomolous Research Facility (ARF)in the living room. Only the living room was absent of anything actually there; instead it had a mattress and lots of white boxes full of junk. I was to sleep on the mattress..I thought Jordan was sleeping there, too, but then I realized that he was in his room with Cait. It was pitch black in there and I couldn't see in at all. I went to lay down in the living room although I was not tired and realized that I didn't have to lay down and try to sleep, instead I got up and went to go to the bathroom. I looked at my hair in the mirror and it was really short, with a bad cutting job. I thought I should probably just shave all my hair off cuz it looked really fucked up, and really conservative-butchy. At some point in the dream Jordan had bitched at Cory for not flushing the toilet enough, saying he had to hold something or other tight just to get it to flush..but while I was in the toilet I couldnt see what the problem was. While I was trying to figure it out I found a half smoked joint in an ashtray and started to smoke it even though usually I don't like pot. After I was a little high I put it out. The whole time while smoking I pissed, and was trying really hard to shit but I couldnt so I gave up. I thought then that maybe Jordan was bitching about the pot smoke when he had previously yelled at Cory...but I didnt really care and thought that Cory had already smoked in the bathroom so I could probably not get caught anyway cuz it already smelled. There were also random people at ARF (however Seth and Don were totally absent for some reason) and some girl asking us where we worked..I was nervous about telling her for some reason there's more but I can't remember it that well..I woke up in a hypnopompic state before I realized I was actually in the guest bed at my mom's house and not at all at ARF..then I really did wake up..

My body is bruised in many places and I am sore all over, especially in my arms and shoulders. Last night, despite how tired I was, I got wasted and danced really hard. We all went over to Jana's apartment and met some of her nieghbors who were having a party. They turned out to be assholes and I had to leave because this one guy was really pissing me off and I wanted to hit him so bad that I had to leave or I wouldn't have been able to control myself much longer; but I didnt want Jana to have fucked up relations with her neighbors so I didnt.

The fact that there were a lot more of them than us and I probably would have gotten my ass kicked in addition to getting my friends' (at the very least Shaun and Nate) asses kicked or in jail as well when they jumped in to fight with me didnt particularly cross my mind until today.

But I got some fighting in anyway, Jana's roommate Kevin and I boxed a couple of times. That was really fun although I really should have been wearing wrist guards cuz my wrists are tiny and breakable and I'm sure my sloppy drunk punches werent the most stable and wrist-safe. I managed to bruise my knuckle but nothing is really damaged..Kevin said my punches didnt hurt for the most part. His didn't either but hes really built so I kind of have to wonder how much he was just playing with me and how much he was actually trying. He did have to stop the fight once when I punched him in the gut (heh).

If I lived in Madison regularly I think it would be fun to box my friends all the time. I never really understood why Jordan and the :|k (Colon Pipe Krew) wanted to fight but now it makes total sense. It's fun, and it teaches you shit.

I think I was intimidated because they already had a boxing/fighting thing going...I've always wanted to be able to handle myself in any situation and being able to fight has always been high on my list. I was thinking with V. about how I always compare my body and abilities to guys bodies and abilities. I don't know if that's because I was in many ways raised by my brother when I was younger or out of pure stubborness about male-female whatnot...most girls seem easy to compete against; maybe that's part of it? Like Nate S. and Shaun both think I'm "cut for a girl." Well, first, I'm not anywhere as "cut" as I used to be; and second, I don't want to be cut for a girl. I just wnat to be tough period. I suppose I wouldn't have such an issue about my physical differences with many males if so many other aspects of being female weren't rated as inferior or incapable in comparison with the supposed male abilites.

One of these days I'm going to write in this thing when I am not brain dead and then my sentences will make sense and I won't be too lazy to correct the typing errors I make. I'm craving veggiesushi and wasabi. YUM.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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