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what the fuck is msid?

29 aug 2002 thursday - 06:09

So I realized that I should probably give some sort of background info on what program im going through...it is through the Minnesota Studies in International Development program via the U of M(N).

MSID is (mission statement here) "devoted to the preparation of culturally-sensitive individuals who are committed to the concepts of justice and sustainable development for all societies in our interdependent world. MSID seeks to engage students, faculty, staff, as well as the general community, in dialogue and reciprocal learning with people from Africa, Asia, and Latin America concerning global and local problems, with a particular emphasis on development issues. Through grassroots field placements, internships and research experiences in development projects working within economically poor communities, MSID participants gain first-hand experience with the conditions, needs, and strenghts of the countries involved with the program"

From what I have read and understand the program is not about coming in and saying, "hey we are the first world we'll force our capitalist economics on you and we know better;" which is how a lot of so-called development goes. If I do find out that this is how the program is I may leave it (I actually only need one class to graduate and I can get it switched back to the one that I was supposed to take in the states originally but got an MSID class to count for).

First semester I'll be taking four classes:

-GloS 4801 International Development: Critical Perspectives on theory and practice

-GloS 4802 Crosscultural perspectives on work

-GloS 4803 MSID country analysis (studying Senegalese culture and history, economics, etc)

-Afro 3110 study of Wolof (major African language in the region)

Second semester "constitutes a full internship finishing May 10th, complemented by a substantial research project" Official class titles are: Grassroots Development Internship; Case Studies in International Development; Applied Field Methods; and MSID Directed Research (all 4xxx global studies--GloS--classes.

The program has been around for like 20 years and claims to seek to maximize cultural immersion.

Oh, here's something fun. Homosexual acts are condemnable by one to five years in prison and someone who went in a previous year told me she regularly heard people say that if they ever met a homosexual they would kill them on the spot. She didn't tell her Senegalese friends that she was queer, needless to say. I found this out kind of through my own research, you'd think they would mention this sort of thing very explicitly considering that they send you about 20 pages about the long-term risks of DEET exposure in chickens and gulf war syndrome. The country is about 97% Muslim due largely to various geo-political advantages and influences. More stuff later.

My flight leaves Sept 2nd.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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