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procrastination is a game i like to play

30 aug 2002 friday - 22:51

I am the best at procrastinating...I have four papers to write by Monday and I haven't written a single word. They are long, too.

Today I finished my shopping..whew. Mom went with me which I am grateful for b/c I don't think I would have had the energy to do all that running around by myself. The only thing really left is an extra pincher for my septum in case the one I have breaks; and glasses, which I think I can get done in one day. I own a pair of sandals now for the first time in like 7 years, they are ugly as fuck but really really comfortable. I figure they'll be my main foot gear. The store we were at was having a buy one pair get the second half price so my mom convinced me to get a pair of shoes to replace the old ones. I suppose she is right...

They say that in Senegal everyone dresses really nicely all the time and I'll feel really out of place if I'm dressed casually or ratty. But I love my ratty clothes, there is nothing wrong with them. I don't know if the advice they give as generic advice is something that will really matter to me since I am pretty used to doing my own thing in the face of frowns. Then again I dont want to bring shame to the family I am staying with.

All these questions, questions, questions. Most of this stuff I think I am going to have to jsut wait and see how it really is and how it really goes. I also found a sun hat, its Australian outback looking, suede and brown. I didn't really think I'd find something that was a sun hat that didnt look like a tourist or gardeners hat, but I did which makes me happy. Clothes have always been important to me in the way that what I wear and how I look needs to match who I am and how I feel on any given day or else I feel uncomfortable. I suppose its kind of immature to care about what I'm wearing...but clothing is a type of art I suppose and I don't spend money (until recently to prepare for this trip) on clothes very often, and I'm always buying second hand if I do buy.

The nights are starting to get cooler here, and I was remembering winter...a winter I will never see. I have always lived in winter. I wonder if my body will explode or something from lack of shivering? I wonder how often there are clouds in the sky there..it doesn't rain much but Dakar is right on the coast so I'd think there would be clouds there? I love big cirrus clouds, I love the rain, I love huge storms and the first snow. These are things I will miss. I need to work on those papers.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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