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c'�tait le contraire compl�tement que j'avais pens�

06 jan 2003 mon - 18:01

yeah, my changes worked. since they were oh so complicated, im sure you are all impressed with how sexy my webpage is. hah.


you have cysts on your left ovary.

huh? i have what?

look, (he moves the phallic radar thingy inside me around so i can see and points to the screen lofted above my head) see those black spots?

(i look at what appears to be black caviar with webs of white lightly laced between the bulbs)

oui...(i say hesitantly)

the black spots are cysts, you have multiple cysts on your left ovary (he moves the wand dealy again); and on your right. you see? you get pain sometimes, right? thats probably why you havent gotten your period.

(my seventh grade natural sciences teacher...mrs..what?..told us about how she had pain every other period and eventually found out she had cysts on one of her ovaries and had to have it removed what if i have to have mine removed i do want kids some day at the time i wondered why the hell she was telling us this useless information out of the blueohfuck)

um, i want to have children some day, will this effect it?

(he looks at me incredulously) well, i dont know.

(you dont know. youre the everfucking gynocologyst how can you say you dont know in a manner that indicates my question was stupid in the first place)

he begins to explain to me how he is putting me on the pill coz the cysts "are a hormonal thing" and he wants to see me in one month but he probably wont see any difference for three months if the pills indeed will even do anything.

funny how i went there because i thought i might be pregnant.

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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