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letter to putain no. something or other

06 jan 2003 mon - 20:08

so i'm back...i spent my vacation in kenya with my mom; we did the safari deal (we saw elephants, black rhino, thompson gazelle, bat eared foxes, two male lions, a cheetah and her cubs eating a gazelle, hella giraffes, water buffalo, and zebra, more things than i can even list, very close like 50 feet away or less depending)

and also visited a school and a farm and a womens weaving group, a group for single mothers whos kids went to the school on the grounds while they earned income. it was an eco tour deal which means there was a political-cultural education element to it and all the proceeds; excepting administrative costs; directly benefitted the communities we visited.

it was also really interesting coz we were there during elections; luckily moi stepped down and kibaki was allowed to win (minor election rigging and a few stabbings at the polls notwithstanding) everything went well so no rioting in nairobi which, you know, was good for all concerned. all in all it was pretty rad...kenya is COLD compared to what im used to but its prolly less so than what yall are in.

i miss you guys..but personally im not really too homesick. i was a little when i was in kenya and with my mom coz kenya is more like america than senegal is so there were more things to remind me of what home is like; but its cool. cant really expect to live a whole year in another country without having some periods of homesickness; right?

things are pretty chill with my family. im riding my bike a lot and im taking djembe lessons and hanging out with a very charming and good looking dude named paupis d and went to the wedding of two of the people in "his" musical group last night (an american woman and a senegalese man), then went to a club afterwards with my bro; sis, and paupis and his friend lamine (not to be confused with my brother lamine).

snuck my sister out of the house again by acting like the wedding would take all night. its wierd that shes 22 but her dad acts like shes 15 even though when she was at the university she lived for 3 years on her own. i dont really like lying to the parents but i cant stand to see how depressed adji gets when she is stuck in the house all the time. on saturday i was supposed to go dancing but her dad said no like always so i just stayed home and hung out with her and lamine.

oh yeah, i ran out of anti-malaria pills a couple weeks ago and didnt really get around to getting more before i left for kenya, im kind of thinking fuck it. maybe if i get malaria ill regret it and go back on them. i'll let you know what its like if i get sick. some of the students got malaria even though they were on prophylaxis, and you basically take some pills for it and recover unless you are compromised immunally in another way; as far as i can tell.

i have two classes only this week; and next week i start my internship. ill write more about that later, ive been in this everfucking internet cafe for like 3 hours and im still not caught up..

oh its cool meeting the new students from various programs and watching them suck as bad at french as i used to (not that i still dont; but you know) coz i feel like i actually have learned something. plus i like meeting new peeps ;)

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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