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b�gg naa sukar bi!

08 jan 2003 wed - 18:34

b�gg naa sukar bi doit etre mon surnom au lieu que rokhaya faye.

so one of my new life style resolutions (not to be confused with a new years resolution, which this is not) is that i dont buy any junkfood. i am want to buy all sorts of candy and pastries and ice cream and such; ive been like that ever since i was a kid. but its really not so great for my health - bad for my teeth and bad for my body and since i tend to like candies that have a lot of packaging bad for the environment and such.

so i decided that i will accept treats that are given to me and on certain occasions i am allowed to buy ingredients to make something like a cobbler or pie or some such thing but i cant myself buy treats. as such, i will cut down at least 70% the amount of crap food i eat; without cutting it out completely. i know i can adapt to this way of eating like i adapted to being vegetarian and like i quit smoking. but i do think it sucks meanwhile. i am definitly in the habit of treating myself with food whenever i want; but im not a kid anymore (physically speaking) so i should adopt some good habits early, non? et en plus b�gguma jaay fonde waaye.

et je peux acheter les fruits ou bien un fanta citron ou quelque chose si je voudrais bien de manger quelque chose sucree, quoi.

damn what a bunch of horseshit! i just went to my fastweb scholarship finder page and there was one for a "humaine studies scholarship" which i of course was interested in and i read the everfucking webpage and its like, up to 12000 dollars for upperlevel undergrad and grads who firmly believe in the liberal stance and market economies to promote individual freedoms blah blah blah. sneaky much? i removed that pile of neoliberal soul snatching from my results page asap.

until some other time.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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