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07 jan 2003 tues - 15:20

i think i finally got my family to stop telling me to eat and claiming i havent eaten anything at all when i stop. the other day i stopped eating coz i was done and the father opened his mouth but before he could say "lekkal!" i said to him "il ne faut pas dire, manges!" (dont say, eat!) he asked me why, if i was very full or what and i said that i knew very well by now that i can eat and eat until i explode if i want, i know i am welcome to all the food i want. since then ive hardly heard the sort of "you havent even eaten" and "you must eat!" commands and cries that habitually have accompanied every meal no matter how much or little i actually did eat.

thank god. its fairly annoying even though im used to it. and besides, during ramadan i got into the habit of eating way beyond what i wanted to coz the family in kerr momar sarr dealt with ramadan by completely pigging out every night "to make it through the next day" and would freak out if i didnt.. i want to get back to normal, healthy eating habits.

today i woke up late and had a big peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cup of tea and then skipped out of lunch. i made up an excuse and left before it was served. every day lunch is ceeb bu jenn, which is basically oily rice with fish and overcooked vegetables on top of it. its good, but i get sick of it and i get sick of eating such heavy foods all the time - the only non-heavy thing here seems to be desert, which when we have it at all is fruit or a glass of soda or juice.

i think the family might actually have a heart attack if i just said, today i dont want lunch (lunch is at like 2pm).

one nice thing about returning to the states will be regained control over what sort of food i eat and when.

this week is sort of dead time since i dont start my new internship until next monday... thus im trying to keep occupied and hopefully get caught up on my emails.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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