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i am pissy in a mild way today

05 March 2003 - 12:22

so i tried to edit the last entry coz some of it is all fucked up but this keyboard is really shitty and sometimes when i press backspace oh who the fuck cares, point being it was too annoying.

i havent slept enough in days and today is my day to fast so im more tired than normal. that means im irritable. andi am craving ceeb bu jen

well. i decided that getting all worked up about ponge isnt worth it. i am not at a point where i can come to any conclusions about any of what is going on, so i might as well just chill and enjoy myself in the meanwhile.

i also decided to stop trying to think about going back to the states. i dont know what i will feel until i feel it, and there is no point in making myself miserable now over the potential of future misery.

i started an internship finally. but i will explain that later coz im too tired to do any explaining..i hate the internet. why dont i just ahve a chip in my brain that i can connect to the computer and think out my entries instead of typing. im sick of typing because i have been doing hours and hours of typing for my internship lately.

wow this is the most profound entry ever. i hope some of you are taking notes on how to use up a lot of time and space without ever actually saying anything at all. check out that alliteration. hah.

i came to warc to recruit students to the peace rally downtown today, but there is no one here; maybe they dont have class coz its ash wednesday? so i am in the place i most associate with consumption, which is a mild form of torture. i fast the day after i finish my last pill for the month. before i start to bleed, after im done inserting hormones into my body. it just seems like the right time.

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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