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son of a bitch

03 jul 2003 thur - 03:02

fuck. so...my resolve not to drink anything lasted a whole couple days. it started in that i went with my friend and my brother to help them figure out what beer to order a barrel of for their party on the twelveth. so i tasted about ten beers to give my opinion. then shaun came, and we went downtown to eat gyros. we drank instead. i drank a black and tan that shaun bought for me. then carrie came and ordered me another before i really paid attention. so i drank it and a bunch of water.

then we went to the inferno, to dance to reggae, dancehall, and roots. it was okay. but i danced a lot anyway.

i was bought more drinks. i drank mostly water and ditched the last vodka gimlet.

fuck. this environment is bad for such things. like i want to play with my friends but they like to drink all the time. i like to dance but they cant do it without drinking. they cant conceive of such a thing because..well theyve never experienced it really.

so i drank. and got drunk. fuck. i didnt want to do that. i think my resolve is not very firm, coz if it was id be more ademant about telling people i dont fucking drink anymore.

i also really ahve to keep hydrated to take care of the nipples. they are doing so well, ...

thats fucking all. i like my friends, i just need to really reconstruct how we relate.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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