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31 jul 2003 thur - 04:26

having my own comp and internet in my very own room is fucking amazing. it kicks ass, actually.

i mean, most people reading this probably have this luxury, BUT ITS NOT FUCKING NORMAL

complain about americas shitty foreign policy, but are YOU willing to give up the spoils it earns you???

do you even kn0ow what those are??

let me highlight a few things in my limited experience:

1. water pressure.

2. water.

3. relatively clean streets.

4. streets.

5. pace of life.

6. life.

7. a million choices of what sort of salsa you want.

8. drug and alcohol culture (this is a PRIVILEGE PEOPLE, consider yourselves LUCKY to be rich enough to have a drug problem)

9. police harassment

10. junk mail.

11. any kind of insurance whatsoever

12. granola

13. ovens

14. baths

15. cars (twenty years old or no)

16. utilities that work unless you dont pay the bill

17. variety in cooking/cuisine options

18. sewage control

19. pets

more. im just...slightly intoxicated and pondering. i dont mean to lecture as certainly i am not in a position to do so. but just in my limited world exposure, the way we live is so rediculous we cant even fucking recognize and/or be grateful for the simplest things!

and if you are poor...




i hope i understand something well enough one day to make any sort of conclusion.

or maybe one day i will understand there are no conclusions?

blah etc. blah fuckin etc., ACK!

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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