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01 aug 2003 fri - 14:21

i got dragged out to the bars with jana again last night. but i was fasting so i just drank a bunch of water. the fast went well, water and detox tea. around four in the afternoon i could taste the cigarette i had smoked the previous night (i was wandering around the capital and talked to some random boy about his cruiser and he had rolling tobacco so i didnt make much effort to resist. i love rolling cigarettes, and rolled tobacco actually tastes good - unlike premade smokes, which taste like shit)

it was really gross, actually. tasting that fucking smoke again. but i guess it was getting flushed out of my system or something, otherwise why would i taste it again? i could also really feel the whiskey shots, like whiskey has this very particular effect on your body that i could feel. i hate whiskey. but people were buying shots and i was in the mood, so i sucked em down.

anyway, so jana took me to a bar that they actually play the sort of bad rap i heard at clubs in senegal! yay! now i know where to go, it has a small dance floor and the other people didnt seem too forward or scummy. i didnt dance at all tho coz i wasnt in the mood to be at the bars and i was tired from fasting. (at a certain point in a fast i cease to want food and just feel tired instead)

then we went to her new boy's bar (he works there). jana has a new boy she is falling for, but he seems really nervous around her and he likes her too. and hes vegan, which suggests at least some form of awareness. i want to get to know him a bit, but last night i was too tired and trying to get my sleeping schedule back on track. so i played with jana until her boy got off work (around 3am) and then i left those two to hang out alone.

..earlier in the evening the madlib group met at our house and we hashed out some of the details of the latest skit we are working on. i get to play Death, which rules. the subject matter of the play is that we shouldnt fucking be in iraq and the president's foreign policy is getting american soldiers killed. the idea is to try to appeal to right wingers so that they, too, put pressure on the system to pull out of the war. its problematical in that it does not address the iraqi's issues, but if you are trying to pull right-wingers onto your side you have to try to appeal to something they actually care about - like their children.

strategically i think its really smart. i mean, if bush's own party starts to doubt and turn on him, that will be much more effective than appealing to a bunch of left-wing intellectuals that already disagree with what he is doing.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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