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electric soul death

15 aug 2003 fri - 02:37

going camping tomorrow. brain no work now.

i saw a really good free show last night, with ryan and later jana. the first band, black somethingorother kind of sucked. well, they were just really common; like a bad version of radiohead. and i dont really like radiohead that much to start with - they are on my neutral list.

the second band was called lazy lane, sort of a mazzy star if she was a little bit gothy and not so cowgirllike. the band had really good stage presence, the lead singer was pretty hot and could move her body very sensually with the music. she played keyboard and there was also the standard two guitars and drums. i was one of the only people in there really dancing (most others just sort of nodded heads or something; ryan prolly would have danced with me but he was hung over). lily lane (the lead) threw a rose at me and said - thats for you. later the rose exploded everywhere, but ryan picked up some of the petals and stuck them in the cd i bought ($10).

then this group called the subvocals (who produced lazy lane) came on - a guy on an acoustic guitar, an operatic singer, a cello, and drums. it was this beautiful ambient/gothy/folky music. it made me feel like i was falling in love or something. ryan and i pet each other, we were so overwhelmed. (not in a sexual way..) i danced again, it was lovely. i had a lot of people tell me i dance really well...which makes me happy, of course. ego stuffing tends to have that effect on people. this group didnt have any music out yet, but they had a list. so i signed up on their list.

later i was talking to some guy at the bar and i told him he looked familiar. he told me he was the lead of the first band. oh. i said. he asked me what i thought of his band. i could have given the standard, oh i liked it. but i dont like doing that. so i said i thought it needed a little something. like it sounded almost...generic, or like it lacked emotion. like it needed something to give it variety. then we had this talk about not adding something just to add it and acknowledging tradition and whatnot.

well, whatever, i kept telling him. i mean, really if he was enjoying himself while he was up there then thats what counts. besides, i was just one person in the whole place. for all i know everyone else in there would disagree with me. (well except my friends, who had agreed it was really boring and he should please stop playing any more songs now). eventually he got tired of the conversation and went to talk to someone else.

the other people in the other bands were also milling around afterwards. i like that, local band-people being able to act like the normal human beings that they are and watch and have a beer with the non-band people when not on stage.

so tomorrow i go to waswaugoning again, to camp for the weekend. i wonder if i will see nick or charlotte. its really fucked up, in this book im reading about the spearfishing rights issues i read that nick had a death threat against him and charlotte was hurt in some manor - someone throwing a rock or something. this place ive been going, and i had no idea. ive never heard them speak of it. this isnt some abstract fucking social history book, these are people i know, and places ive been. i just cant imagine throwing a ROCK at charlotte - shes so slight of build and kind. i dont know. the world is fucked up.

i was watching amelie tonight with my brother, and one guy in the movie says something like, human destiny is failure. it struck me as true in the context. i suppose it depends, though, on what you are basing your definition of 'success.'

oh - and super news (for me), the date of the play has been pushed forward to a date i can make it! i get to play DEATH after all...

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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