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food and work

17 dec 2003 wed - 16:37

ok. so i am going to make an effort for real to go truly vegetarian again. well, for the most part - i mean, say someone offered me a bunch of monsanto hmo death corn, or a free-range no hormone organic locally raised family farm chicken breast. probably the chicken breast would be the most moral thing to buy/eat. but that situation wont be arriving too often, im guessing.

so anyway, i am going to wean myself off of dead flesh the way i did the first time. if that worked when i had no idea how to cook vegetarian (well, to cook at all for the most part) then surely it can work now. yes? yes.

okay, so what i will do is just do the one day at a time thing, like alcoholics, and start out only with cows. i really dont know if cows or chickens are worse - cows are more pollution but they have slightly better conditions. probably pig is worst of all. but i hardly eat pig anyway so thats not much of a leap. anyway, so no cows for a period of time until i make the leap to include one or more other animals on the "no" list. the period of only no-cows will last not longer than one month, and will expand more quickly than that if i am so inspired.

i bought some local non-hormone supposedly happy cow flesh yesterday to make ponge & i hamburgers, because he wanted to know how and i was afraid he was going to buy like tyson ground chuck (does tyson do cows? i have clue) or some shit. he still doesnt know how to shop. and he mostly cares about buying shit cheap. my propaganda campaign is taking some time. thats okay, it took me some time to figure things out myself and i at least came from a culture where you think about the environment a bit - like at least i was taught about the environment in school and such. in senegal i dont think anyone really gives a fuck or knows anything to give a fuck about the environment. although they happen to be really environmentally sound in certain ways just due to poverty, and really environmentally horrible in certain ways, just due to poverty. enough of that.

ok. i like the job so far. its bike-able and pays a decent but not great wage. but, i can wear and look pretty much however i want and talk real politics with my bosses and coworkers and such. and it has really good benefits - bonuses, profit sharing, free yoga and other classes, discounts on purchases, health and dental, paid vacation and wellness/illness days. and the internal culture is just 5 million times better than my last job. i feel *comfortable* there. the actuality of my duties will get repetetive as soon as i have all the kinks memorized, but now that i've been "on the market" for some time and seen the shit for opportunities i realize this is a good job. the first time i applied there i felt like it was kind of below me but that i would settle for it. now i think its awesome that i get to work there, and while i dont plan on doing it for the rest of my life, it satisfies me for now.

oh - and i should be getting my tat tomorrow. i was quoted $140, which is fucking amazing. i was expecting as high as $400. i paid (well, actually my mom and bro paid for my bday when i was 18) $120 for the tat on my back, and that design was really simple.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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