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host family description arrived today

20 aug 2002 tuesday - 11:24 p.m.

My host family...


Famille Samba Katy Faye: Ouakam

Your host father is a health representative and your host mother a teacher. They have 2 children: a daughter Adji who is 22 and and has just got her degree in Marketing. Lamine 19 years has his Baccalaureat and will go to the University in November. Your host father is a very funny person he will make you laugh, he has tons of crasy stories. The first telephone number I gave you is the number of the "telecenter" which is at the entrance of the house. But you can easily reach them trough the cell phone. Adji your host sister will share the bedroom with you. Korko is the name of their housemaid. They have some tenants in the first floor. From your host house you will take the "ndiaga Ndiaye" it is the local transportation we have in Senegal; a round trip will cost you half a dollar. You will be in the same neighberhood as Maeve Corish so you can catch the "ndiaga Ndiaye" together. It is normally half and hour to go to Warc but the "ndiaga Ndiaye" do not have specific stations, they can stop where and when they want. This means that it can sometimes take you less or more than half an hour to go to school.


The whole marketing thing freaks me a little, but I guess I'll have to wait and see what she is like. Maybe my idea of who takes marketing as a job in Amerika doesnt apply in Senegal. Plus I thought I might be sharing a room with someone, so I better work on understanding that person and dealing with lack of alone time. Some quote says: to understand is to forgive. I've found that to be true.....


I talked to Virginia today. . I still dont know wtf I'm using this diary for, something to do for now I guess. We'll see how it goes in country.

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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