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16 April 2003 - 15:18

i am so fucking annoyed right now. the university of minnesota can kiss my fucking ass. one of the classes here that specifically says it counts for the citizenship and public ethics course in the MSID brochure (printed and created by the everfucking u of m) did not get through to my transcript so although i should be clear to graduate i am not. now i am going to have to fight with the everfucking bureaucracy about this issue and since i cant do it in person it will be about five fucking times more difficult. i am NOT taking anymore goddamn classes just because they dont know how to process their own fucking programs correctly. it is also totally fucking ironic and idiotic that i of all people would be missing a citizenship and public ethics course. i think after fours years of working and volunteering for a non-profit in like 6 different positions i have a clue about the topic.

also this morning i went to the christing embassy and it looks like they are going to be a bitch about ponge. i dont really want to say more about it than that.

plus i received some bad news about a family member's health and im scared to go to the fucking grand magal but im going anyway. the grand magal is when every mouride and baay or yaay fall in senegal goes to touba for some religious thing that i dont yet have a lot of information on. all i know is that it will be really crazy with a million people (literally) and guys are separate from girls and ponge and i arent allowed to touch each other. since im going with all guys i wonder what shaft ill get. senegalese women are intimidating; all the other americans i talk to about this also agree. i was told that men sing and shit and women cook. since i dont know how to cook senegalese food and i wont know anyone i think this has the potential to suck in a lot of ways. but its also really impt to a lot of people here and an opportunity and all that crap so i am going even though im mildly dreading it.

anyway if i survived a month in hellhole of kerrmomarsarr i can take a few days in hot ass fucking touba. (super, i get to wear a hot ass boubou in 100 degree weather, what hell is so bad about shorts in this country?)

sorry for those looking for intellectual insights, today all i have is saltiness. plus i havent eaten so im irritated more than usual at my irritations. fucking shit

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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