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i am tired

08 may 2003 thurs - 15:02

oui-oi-i, dama sonn.

okay, so what's new.

well im not trippin on anything anymore, other than the stress of getting all the crap done that i need to by june 10th...i was doing the virginia/ponge flip again for the last time on saturday may 3rd. then that night i had a dream that set me at peace. i dont really want to get into the dream because dream language doesnt always translate that well into verbal language; but the essence of the message is that i cant have everything and i am trying to have it all and this process is making me sick. which is true, i was getting really serious and unhappy and felt really alone and such. i accept, i let go. i now have peace.

so what else. the marriage is in two weeks, i leave for paris in four. that is odd. i have a LOT of shit to do before then; like complete my research and type a long ass report and you know get married and get all this paperwork shit filled out for the marriage and the immigrant VISA. the people at the embasssy are going to know my whole life story and such before i leave this country. something that sucks: i found out an immigrant VISA can take three to six months to go through. we cant apply for the visa until we have our marriage certificate and we cant get that until 15 days until after we see the mari (the legal part of the marriage) and we cant see the mari until ponge has his legal papers in order which he cant get til next week.

something else that sucks: so some head dude from the states is here since our program (the academic program) received so many consistent complaints against it and he basically told me that the project i got approved to do for the internship is really only going to count for the directed research part of the program and i need to pick up an internship position within the organization as well. so essentially im already really busy and i need to double the amount of work im doing. super.

something else that sucks: i have not had one single full day off to myself in like five weeks and i wont have one until after the wedding.

damn there is a lot of shit to do. ponge is in touba right now to see his marabout about the wedding, i couldnt go since i have two day long conferences at WARC that are supposed to be end of the year evaluation discussion etc except its not my end of the year since i extended my internship so its wierd.

something that is good: the bitches at the U look like they are going to fix my APAS report so that it correctly reflects that i did take the citizenship and public ethics theme like i bloody well said. this takes some of the pressure off; one less thing to concern myself with.

something that is good; i love the piss out of my fianc�, and he feels the same for me.

so the count so far of animals that will die to serve the bellies of our several hundred invitees:

-nine sheep

-one cow

-and ten cases of chickens

that may qualify me as the worst vegetarian ever. casey (an american student and bridesmaid) and i were joking that i should tell ponge i cant live with that and the wedding will need to be vegetarian. senegalese and vegetarian are not words that make even the smallest amount of sense together.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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