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:stresses, etc:

12 may 2003 mon - 12:55

i had the greatest dream the other morning. a bunch of stuff happened that lead into this: i am in a bathroom with a door on the right and a door on the left, it is longish but small, with mirror and sink in front of me. my hair is mulitple lengths and multiple colors, really cute. i have a bag of dyes that i am going to apply. i start to cut one of the lengths and as im feeling my hair i think, dont i have dred locks now? i then realize, yeah i do, thus this is a dream. this makes me really happy and i realize i have to pee. i am naked, i look at my ass in the mirror and it is a great ass, i start to forcefully piss all over the bathroom, then i start to masturbate while still peeing; i worry a little that i will piss the bed in real life and almost wake up but then i decide its not likely that i am really pissing and plus i am getting so much sexual pleasure from myself that i really dont want to end the dream..i climax and then wake up.i have not at all pissed and i am sad that my ass is not as sexy as it was in the dream, but i enjoyed the dream quite well.

shit, life is hectic right now. preparing for a marriage is a pain in the ass plus i am trying to complete my internship and research. and the people at RADDHO dont seem to have the same values as i do regarding respecting someone else's time.

saturday morning i had arranged an interview with my boss and when i arrived he said it would be better to do it when he got back from some trip, which means the 26th of may or later. today i had an appointment with this other guy to discuss refugee issues and urban land tenure in a squatter settlement called jammdion in dakar at eleven am and now its one pm and i am still waiting for them. i have other shit to do today, and i cant reschedule coz i have other shit to do the rest of the time here also.

i know that senegalese be chillin on the time thing, but i am at a point where i need to economise my time; if something doesnt happen at the scheduled time it just might not happen at all. between doing research, getting all the legal work for the marriage and all the other work for the marriage and all the legal work for the VISA and figuring out where to stay in paris and trying to squeeze in djembe lessons that ive already paid for and visiting people and keeping in contact with loved ones and keeping sane and sleeping i just dont have the patience for people telling me one time will work and then i plan everything else around it and then i have to reschedule everything.

i mean, all of what i have to plan is positive shit and all, but it is nonetheless stressful. i guess what i get done, i do; and what i dont, i dont. this whole year has been about other sorts of learning than academic learning since the program here had so many problems. so if the research is progressing ever so slowly due to peoples lack of time or whatever to pay attention to one of their interns then thats how it is and my final report will just have to make due with the information i was able to gather.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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