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nothin new

07 jul 2003 mon - 01:00

tomorrow (well today really since its after midnight) is my brother's birthday. he will be 25. the same age as my partner.

today i visited the ogitchidow-ekwe. being with those women always leaves me feeling refreshed and positive, i cant really explain it. well we are usually doing something ceremonial when we are all together like that. including today, but i cant really talk about that.

i think i need to make a banner for this page. somehow new people read my diary but i used to have a sort of decent crowd but then i started slacking on entries since i was busy living my life in medina, and well you know.

its obvious i have nothing to do and im not tired.


Your Sex Sign is Libra!

You've got a ton of girls and guys trying to get with you!

You're pratically booked up for the next four years.

Not only are you great in bed - you're great at making people feel sexy.

No wonder you're so popular!

Libra, as you probably have noticed, you are always surrounded by scores of admiring suitors.

You are a very accomplished flirt.

Catching you is not for the faint hearted.

Competition is always fierce.

Your innate charm and incredible looks instantly attract - and keep - your lovers.

Old flames and rejected suitors always keep coming back for more.

There is a strong bisexual element in your personality.

You're more likely to be aroused by the same sex than other signs.

In threesomes, you are more likely to prefer that one partner is opposite sex and that the third is same sex.

Your lovers adore you because you are a real ego stroker.

You are eager to please and will do almost anything they ask.

You are a born diplomat, which comes in handy with all of your suitors.

You always win fights too, because your charm is irresistable!

What's *Your* Sex Sign?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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