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14 jul 2003 mon - 12:56

the good:

**(friday night) i managed to steal beer all night for me and my friends and didnt get caught! well they wanted $5.50 for a cup of miller, so said fuck that and helped myself when the bartenders weren't looking.

**(friday night)the music was really good and i danced my ass off. i loves me some dnb.

**(saturday) i made my bomb ass taco dip and everyone loved it, all two trays of it were gone by the beginning of the end of the night (see recipe below)

**(saturday)i saw a lot of my old friends and had fun playing with them. i like my friends, yay! (i was worried i wouldnt like them anymore)

**(saturday) someone had a potato gun (thats a big tube that shoots potatos) and my brother said he would take one in the gut for a motherboard that this guy had. well he did, only it wasnt a potato, it was wet paper towel. good thing because he prolly would have had some serious injuries if it was really a potato, and he still got to keep the motherboard.

**(saturday) i saw fireworks and actually enjoyed them. i havent given a rats ass about fireworks in years.

the bad:

**i got really wasted two nights in a row, leading to assinine behavior (like a drunken dual that resulted in a broken tiki torch, batmitten racket, and two cups - none of which were mine; also like holding a piece of glass up to the dude's throat that i was dualing with - i mean i never would have been serious about it but what if he lunged forward somehow or something, anything unthinkable can happen when you are wasted; when i remembered that on sunday it scared the shit out of me)and a HUGE hangover both days. i felt all awkward and dumb on saturday, and tried to eat healthy and get hydrated but it wasnt doing much..then i discovered that some hair of the dog that bit you actually does work...

**i was so tired and managing upset stomache on sunday that i couldnt go to my racial discussion group, which i was supposed to be facilitating. that sucks :( i also didnt eat all day and slept on and off for like 18 hours. i still feel a little off today.

The oddities:

** (friday) some guy was hitting on me all night and saying dumb shit like, "so how married are you? he would never know...can i please kiss you?" how many times do i have to say NO before you understand me? how married are you-thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. 1) cheating aint my style, 2) if i cheated i would tell ponge so yes, actually he would know 3) eat shit and die!


if im with my friends, i dont ever just drink a little, i drink and get wasted and do things i never would have done sober and then feel bad about the next day. so! i QUIT. maybe once in awhile i can have a beer with my mom or something, but NO MORE drinking with my friends. its just bad news. they love to get wasted and i love to get wasted with them while im doing it, but i always feel bad about it the next day.

last time when i was going to quit, it was because i was told to while i was up north on ojibwe land. but its so easy to get disattached from whats up there when im not actually there. and other than vague notions about health,,,but now i really know its true, i dont do alcohol very well and im old enough to care a lot that i dont do it very well. people here giggle at their idiocies while drunk. i think thats because the concept of quitting drinking is so far removed from what they can think of to do about it that they have to find their embaressments funny.

but i dont think it was funny, i think it was dangerous and disrespectful, the way i was behaving. and i would have never done it sober. so thats it!

i will listen to what i was told, i will do what i know is right. drunkenness is a part of this culture, but i will resist! and now for a taco dip recipe!

1) mix together refried beans and spicy taco seasoning and spread it on a platter

2) mix cream cheese and sour cream and spread it on top of the beans

3) grate cheese and sprinkle it on top

4) cut up FRESH veggies and put them on top. I used: lettuce, tomato, garlic, red pepper, red onion, black olives, jalepeno, and avacado.

5) eat with chips.

(previous) :::: (next)


26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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