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creating a space to lEiAve temporarily

15 jul 2003 tues - 02:14

mmm. its raining. thunder, lighting, sprays lightly misting into my open window. i love night rains. well who doesn't, really?

my bro came over and helped me complete the move today. my room officially has a computer, bed, stereo, dresser, lights, and garbage in it. and i put some of my things on the walls and on the open counter spaces. and found and washed my own! sheets for the dust and hair (both of which im allergic to, and which will only accumulate again but oh well)and put them on the bed, which is on the ground. i prefer it that way and am used to it that way. plus beds with frames go bang-bang-banbabababang against the wall.

..the space is kind of big and wierd though, like there is this huge open part on the floor for no reason. i want to create an area where i can paint and shit, but i dont know if i can coz all that open space is kind of in a bad place for art..

tomorrow i go to mpls. i havent packed anything, but i did manage to do laundry. i also found a box or two of clothes. i forgot i had most of that, except an item or two that was a favorite. now i have lots of pretties to wear, well except that i just left them all in the boxes. but eventually when/if i do more unpacking i will.

i dont know what to bring. clothes for all possible weather types. stuff to clean my nipples and teeth and body. pictures from senegal? do people actually want to see that shit? a wedding video? (only like 20 mins long) um..i want to just have one bag if i can. oh yeah, and a lock for the bike im going to borrow. the cell phone for contacting people. calling card instructions for how to call ponge. something to write in? a book to read?

usually when i go on trips i only use some of what i brought.

my mom talked to me about a car. i think she was offering to either buy me one or loan me the cash for one (used of course). but i dont really like cars, although i recognize they are useful sometimes. and i dont really need one right now. i can get where i need to go. like the cities, i take the bus. eighty bucks both ways. i never really had the option of a car before, it was never financially feasable. now that i can maybe i can have one, what did i say? no thanks. maybe one would be useful sometime later, but i hope to stay car-free as long as fucking possible.

even if that does mean i probably wont be able to see bjork (shes touring in the us this summer; check out dates through the bjork links on my pages)


^^facing wall one: bed angle right

^^facing wall one: angle left

^^facing wall two: angle right

^^facing wall two: angle left

what i love about my new room: it has lots and lots of LIGHT! i love a brightly lit room more than anything. the colors i picked are nice, but the walls need more decko. as soon as i look through my the rest of my art ill put some more up, so far the only painting of mine i knew i wanted up is the blue and white one on "facing wall one: bed angle right".

what i love about my new room: i feel less transitional in it. in a space designed by me..its nice. and i cant wait to share my bed and my sheets and my blanket with my husband. ;) until then: i can now masturbate freely! (before the room i was in was right next to my moms, and masturbation is mo betta when you moan!)

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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