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i am unemployed.

06 aug 2003 wed - 11:43

i just spent over an hour purusing every non-profit job search site i could find. then i searched the jobs postings for normal jobs in the madison area. the conclusion? i can either move to new york, washington DC, or get an administrative position at some company. someone please kill me now.

i did a good job and went to bed at eleven last night and slept badly and had nightmares and then got up at seven this morning. i got my license changed to my new name and also changed one of my bank accounts to that name. the other is in mpls so that will have to wait - i dont really use it anyway. im hoping it could act like a savings account that i can access from anywhere if i need to. i dont have much money in it now. but if i ever get a JOB i will.

so do i stick to my principles of not supporting evil and only using my labor to change the world, or do i stick to my principles of not being a leech and only using my positive relationships with people to enhance the both of us as human beings? i have to start paying off my loans and saving for when i move and ...christ. if only i'd been able to move to mpls in like late july. i'd bet money i could have gotten a job as an organizer for the nonprofit that sent me a job description. sonofabitch.

maybe the economy is getting bad enough that my principles dont really have a the privilege of being exercised? ... maybe i should just suck it up for a year and work on that nonprofit job next year.

i also have to get my soc sec card changed, but i need my dad's soc sec no to do that and since he decided that calling me back ... well whatever, since he hasnt contacted me thats a little hard. and i need my soc sec to change my name according to the u of m and my loans..stupid. maybe i should just forget all this crap for now and read walleye warriors, im like three chapters behind and the group meets again this sunday. bah.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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