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social whatnot and the habitual etc.

27 aug 2003 wed - 18:48

it occurs to me that i havent called anyone myself, except for family, in weeks. when i go out its other friends calling me, and maybe i call someone to join us once a social union is already established.

the other night i got super drunk on bad pilsner, mlek. i was hella hung over but still had to ride my bike around town in the fucking 90 degree sun to make flyers and posters for MAPC. actually it helped kill the hangover, tho i was a total zombie retard while interacting with the copy store hippie guy. bet i left a lovely impression. i decided then wasnt prolly the best time to consider asking them if they needed any help, heh.

i kicked it over to my bro's house afterwards and we all chilled and watched movies. i saw bladerunner, not a bad rendition of the book. some stuff was pretty different, but it had been long enough since i read any phillip k. dick that it didnt bug me too much. my niece is seeing labrynth for the first time, strange. that was my favorite movie when i was a kid and she is telling me about it like its brand new. i dont think she can really conceptualize me as being a child, or that things that are new to her are not necessarily new to the world. this whole growing up thing and being around family kicks ass.

i was in the middle of ripping on something or other about parents and then i looked at carrie and nathan and started laughing - hahahahahah! youre parents! nathan was like, yeah well you're next. um...well maybe. but not for a couple years; ponge and i both want to be financially and otherwise stable before we have kids. speaking of which, i really need to go to planned parenthood. you know, the lovely twat exam and birth control. hopefully this time i can get some pills that dont make me a fucking nutjob, crying at every stupid thing. its so wonderful to have my OWN emotions. ..

mm. i got a call from a homeless shelter where i applied, but i wasnt home. i left a message saying yes i indeed would like an interview, but they havent responded yet. probably was the job i would like the best out of the ones i applied for. but i dont know if they have benefits...but they are both bikable and on a bus route, so thats good. i also applied at several office assistant/manager type jobs at places i figured wouldnt suck too bad (and were busable/bikable). i tried to apply at several daycares, but they all want me to have some sort of teaching license. what do i really need to know to work with toddlers, seriously? i have done that sort of work before, and i think with that age group you just have to be patient and attentive and know how to use glue and glitter and a paper plate to create a fish. that and to like dora the explorer.

oh, and spongebob squarepants. which i saw for the first time like a month ago, and i now loves. who lives in a pinepple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! porous and something and yellow is he? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

yes. one can tell i just blew $24,000 to get a degree from a higher institute of learning, yes?

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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