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my body does not like gyros

28 aug 2003 thur - 16:30

blech, i feel sick today. i think it might have been the gyro i ate yesterday. it was on my List of Things to Eat When I Return From Senegal. i was going to eat it with my ex, shaun, coz he was tripping for years about how we used to eat steak together. it took him awhile to get over the fact i had decided to be vegetarian. so it was going to be a present to him - us eating meat together. but we never really got organized enough to do that, and i was with carrie yesterday and she was saying she wanted a gyro. so there it was, i bought us all (she and i and my bro) gyros from the change jar($45.78, thank you very much) i cashed in.

it was good like i remembered (UNLIKE the culvers fish sandwich). only now i feel sick (EXACTLY like the culvers fish sandwich). so im fasting today, to get rid of the nasty meat-ness in me. i think the food was fine, its just that now i havent been eating meat regularly for a couple months so i dont think my body was prepared. gyros are a hell of a lot of meat. ack. i just want to lay in bed, feel nauseous, and read. oh - other observation, i shit a lot more when i eat meat. which means that what i ate is going to waste and my body doesnt really need it.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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