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book thoughts part one

29 aug 2003 fri - 12:47

one good thing that happened: tyson is on strike (click here for info). i wrote a letter to the chancellor at UW-Madison asking them not to renew their contracts with tyson foods in the food services there. and they didnt! yay! i dont know if that letter made a difference, but its rad that something i was interested in actually happened for once. peeps on strike are also asking for a boycott - this includes produces that use tyson meats like dominos, dijorno, tombstone, pizza hut, etc.

ive been pondering "the revolution." i dont think it will happen any time soon, i think too many people in the states have it too posh and the problems are too insideous. and with bush's new plan to control what information is being taught to children by testing for info rather than skills, controlling the media, lying his monkey ass off, etc., i dont think people are on their way to getting more informed necessarily. eldridge cleaver was convinced, in 1969, that the next presidential election would be a moot point since the armed revolution would have already taken place. but it didnt. he equated nonviolent resistance with being a passive slave, with submitting to the master. he said you had to use the violence of the oppressed to end the violence of the oppressors. i can see this point view, but i dont think i agree with it. i cant imagine grabbing a gun and killing a police officer. but then i've never been oppressed in a directly violent way. i have anger, but not like that.

yeah.. i just got interrupted for a couple hours and lost my train of thought. to be continued.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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