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fall theorizing

01 sept 2003 mon - 18:11

ah, fall is coming. september in the midwest! the feel of crisp air on your skin and in your nostrils, light layers of homey sweaters, real cider and autumn stouts..leaves all purty-like. i *love* fall. i love the sight of bare tree branches co-mingling with a grey rainy sky. fall is poetic. my baby will be here soon (inchallah, sereigne touba amul morrum), and he will see a midwest fall for the first time. snow for the first time. i love winter, too. my birthday is in winter, christmas is in winter. family get togethers are in winter. biking through snow is in winter. sledding. cursing. freezing. watery snot. filthy welcome mats. flannel sheets and a courdoroy covered down comforter. anticipation of spring. midwest seasons are amazing.

i once wrote; people often question their ability to make a difference. The truth is, every individual makes a difference every day with every choice made. However subtle or grand, all actions have a cumulative effect. For me, the real question is this: will the difference be towards the destruction of mother earth, her citizens, and their rights?--or will be an educated progression toward a peaceful living style, in harmony with the above mentioned? My life will be about the latter. rEvolutions are made of individuals. I am one.

this is part of why i think eldridge cleaver was wrong. i dont think violent take over necessarily changes anything. you are using the "enemy's" means to achieve a better state of affairs. i think this is fundamentally contradictory and once you submit to your baser instincts, of violence and impatience and control, you have submitted to the enemy. you can kill that enemy and feel you have done the world a just thing - but you have not, because you have become them.

better to take over your enemy's world by isolation. by social pressure. these are powerful tools. if the chief commands, yea kill the other; but no one responds, the world is thus changed. the enemy isolated, powerless. forced into peaceful actions through lack of alternative.

this is all very theoretical and dreamy, and gives one a warm fuzzy feeling inside. i understand that the real world is much more complicated and that to achieve a state of peace seems utterly hopeless at times. but you have to try, and you have to believe. if you dont, of course it will never happen. baser instincts - fear, laziness - have won.

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14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

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