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madison = drama

04 sept 2003 thur - 17:02

madison is a hallmark for drama. its all these small town peeps who moved there as a step away from their small town, who play together and go to parties in the towns theyve ditched. at least thats the madison that i know. funny how my analysis of the town is likely very different from random person x that you would inquire about. madison has one misnomer: supposedly a center of leftists and hippies, i would say it has just as many right wing rich persons as any other town of its size. college may bring leftist intellectuals, but it also brings jocks and business majors.

example one: i went to a costume party last saturday (pictures forthcoming) in sun prairie (small town about 15 minutes away). i was dressed as a gypsy fortune teller, and at one point did bust out the tarot deck and give one card/one question readings. one poor fellow got a shit reading so he asked for a new card. naturally the second card was filled with as much ambiguity as the previous. sorry, buddy, sometimes the cards arent going to tell you anything you dont already know. anyway, so i am chillin upstairs in a bedroom with some other peeps and i hear there is going to be a fight. i hate fights, so i go down there to see what i can do.

well i get down there and see that its actually godfrey, my friend's husband who is creating problems. he is saying that he can do a backflip and all sorts of jackie chan shit. and he'll show them. if he can't do it, four of them get to try to kick his ass and if he can..well i dont think i ever heard what his prize was. people were so down on seeing this fight. actually i kind of was too. but i repressed my bloodlust and began questioning the individuals that were saying they would kick his ass. i started being all like, are YOU as an INDIVIDUAL willing to get YOUR personal ass kicked? a lot of people started saying no, once they thought of it in the terms that they themselves might get hurt, and not just their fighting buddies. well, one guy was like yes, yes. so i was like, ok. here's one. then i began to question one of his friends in the same manner...when all of the sudden there was a fist fight between two totally different people.

bow and joel. joel i had just met, but bow i knew before and knew of. he wasnt an asshole, but he had a bit of an anger problem and was some kind of junior golden gloves champ or some shit. joel went down in like two seconds and i jumped in and separated the two. joel was clinging to bow's leg bitching about how he wasnt ready when i broke them up. bow was led upstairs and i calmed joel down a bit (avoiding the blood all over his face and hands). then i went upstairs to see how things were with bow.

he was shaking and his girlfriend was bitching at him for getting into a fight. he seemed somewhat unaware of why he had fought. i asked him if he had any actual problem with joel and he said no. but somehow they had tested each other verbally and bow snapped and they fought. some of our mutual friends were like, oh dude you fucked him up! all proud and shit..well i was trying to discourage that sort of shit since the fight was just misplaced anger and not about anything. anyway, we got a posse to accompany bow to the door so he could leave without further incident, since apparently some people were still pissed and talking shit downstairs. i told him to just ignore anyone that said any shit to him, that he knew he didnt actually have any issues with anyone and it was just drunk and angry without a proper let-out. so he went home.

side note: later that night i was chatting with some guys and they busted out some coke and cut it up into lines and gave me a bunch of free lines. and a couple coke-cigarettes. now, ive only really done coke like twice before, but i still dont see what the big fucking deal is. i mean, the high isnt really that exceptional (give me E or shrooms over that shit any day) and fuck do coke hangovers suck shit. the next day my sinuses were total shit and i had a severe headache that i know wasnt from the alcohol (headaches arent one of my alcohol hangover symptoms and i really hadnt gotten very drunk in any case). i told my bro and he was all worried. but i am never going to buy coke, and free coke doesnt come round very frequently. i dont really know if i would even do it again, remembering that coke-over.

example 2: my ex and friend shaun got sent to jail over the weekend on a disorderly conduct and some sort of class e felony charge. he was out drinking with his recent ex, bobi, known psychobitch, and the two of them got into it on the way home. she wouldnt let him out of the car when he demanded it and somehow or other they ended up facing the wrong way in oncoming traffic, got out of the car and got into it on the street. she slapped him and he threw a gas station squee-gee at her and eventually two female cops arrested shaun and threw him in the can for the weekend. long weekend - it was labor day.

so i go to his arreignment on tuesday with his cousin (carrie - my bro's "wife") and his parents. dumb shit bobi shows up at the arreignment! the judge hears the case and calls for a signature bond with an order of no contact. bobi gets up in the microphone all like "um..i just, i dont want anything bad to happen. i mean, like, i want no bail. or the minimum; and i like dont want no contact." uh, hel-LO signature bond means there is no bail. so the judge was like, "do you understand that this is for your protection? do you want the no contact or no?" well this totally confused her ass, she was all stammering and saying "well i just dont think he meant me any harm," over and over.

it took like five minutes for her to communicate exactly what she meant (that she wants him to be able to contact her). but the judge said he thought no contact was a good idea and asked shaun/the public defender what they thought and they had no objection to it (hell if he wants to see her skanky ass any more). anyway, she made herself look just as foolish as she is, which bodes well for shaun's case.

ah, the joys of life. drama drama drama.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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