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its monday

15 sept 2003 mon - 14:41

The Revised National Anthem..

Oh say can you see, by the TV's blue light?

When democracy fails, as the nation is sleeping.

And the missles' red flare,

Star Wars nukes in the air..

Prison stripes and iron bars,

Leave the ghettos in scars

Oh say does that blood splattered dollar yet wave?

O'er the land of corporate greed,

and the home of the slave.

this i learned from the cheerleaders of the revolution, who happened to be involved in this WTO/FTAA march i ran into on saturday. i knew it was happening but spent the morning taking some dumb ass test to get scored by the state as a qualifier for office support sorts of jobs. supposedly i should start getting offers in the mail in like 2 months. well, my brother did and he's never really done office work so i think i should get some as well. anyway, i spent half the morning freezing my ass off taking this test (why people turn on the A/C when its cold and raining outside is beyond me - even if most of the people there came in cars and werent wet like i was)

i went to a coffee shop after the test to get some tea since my teeth were chattering. after i warmed up i was biking home and heard some racket, and there they were - the peeps against the WTO/FTAA. so i joined them on my bike, ringing my bell and squeeking my brakes in tune with the pots and pans and drums. of course, it was still raining, but i wasnt in some air conditioned university building and had shaken off the freeze with some nice hot tea. we marched around the capitol and down state street, and one taxi cab started honking with us, which was awesome.

then at the end we gathered in a circle and learned a few cheers and the anthem posted above. i loooove shit like that. then there was an announcement about a FTAA organizing meeting this coming wednesday. unfortunately i cant go because i signed up for a no instruction portrait drawing class every wednesday until dec. 10th. $80 for about thirty hours of model time isnt too bad, and i feel like i am really going to enjoy it. i hope the models are female, i dont really like doing male nudes unless they're fat. something about the combination of curves and angles in the female form is really inspiring.

i came home and intended to read for a bit and then go to this political art fair, but i was so cozy in my bed reading and it was raining and i just passed out. well, it had something to do with the fact that my mom and i apparently switched sleeping habits for the night. i went to bed at like one am, woke at three am, and could not for the life of me get back to sleep. while she had long crazy dreams and slept really well. i decided that my occasional insomnia and wierd stomach are nerves, and have everything to do with waiting on ponge.

ponge, who i am going to call i half an hour. he had his visa appointment today, and you find out the same day if you get it or not.

so this wierd thing has happened where i dont really like candy anymore. chocolate, occasionally. but if i start a candy bar i dont usually want to finish it. and i dont really like ice cream or popsicles or even soda very often. its really fucked up, i mean, when i was a kid i was a junk food fanatic. my mom used to tell me how i was going to get fat. well, im the fattest ive ever been and at 5'9" and 153 pounds, im really not even very large. i think part of this new odd trend is my teeth - they really cant take the sugar concentration. i mean, i still eat shit food. its just uber-cheesey or something instead of uber-sugary. i try to eat well, though, too.

its kind of hard cooking here, since the style of cooking i do is a little different than most people i know's style of cooking.

hmm..oh so saturday after i was done with my long-ass nap, it was ladies night. carrie and her cousin krissie and jana and some other chic and i all went out to a bar to see this raggae band whom i forget the name of currently. they were really good - talented musically and singing about interesting things. like the war, and about teaching yourself and your children to stand up and do the right thing and such. i can jam to that. they are coming again on the 25th for free (tho the show was only $5) and im going to go see 'em if i can.

i did a good job, too. i got a buzz on, but i didnt get wasted or even drunk (carrie was drunk, heh). which was my goal. i didnt smoke any cigarettes, which is easy to do when you drink. so that's coo'.

i had a job interview today with this group that places people like me to work with kids with disabilities. i am looking to work with this little 2 and a half year old boy with cerebral palsy who lives on the east side (i live on the east side and madison's public transport sucks a dick). the lady was really nice and wants to find me work. she wasnt sure that the people who asked for help are still wanting it, and since i didnt have a car she didnt really have anything else to offer me. but she was giving me other suggestions of places to look and such, which was pretty amazing and a good sign of her character. so i call back in a day or two to find out if the family is still in need of help. i hope they are!

my plan is to work this job (providing that i can get it!) until i see something nice from the state. because working for the state means i get benefits, which is really important to me. then i would give as much notice as i can (at least two weeks) and shift to an office job. im hoping something interesting at the university will open up.

yesterday i got a bunch of free clothes. free rules. now i own two really nice pairs of sweatpants, which i never have before. i am a fan of them, now that i have them. i slept in one yesterday and rolled out of bed and took my mom to work and bought eggs in the same pants. being comfortable and not changing your clothes rocks. im so excited about this winter, i wonder how long it will take before i curse it out. nathan said they didnt get snow in madison until after xmas last year. ack! i want snow in november at least. cold and no snow sucks.

i want a new bike too. something light, i should see if i like fixed gears or not as well. ive never ridden i fixed gear..hm. piss, well im kind of tired. i took a muscle relaxer last night so that i would go to sleep at a decent time since my schedule was all cracked out. i did not want to get up this morning, man my bed was so cozy. but i didnt feel all retarded or mentally groggy. carrie has them for her back so she gave me one to try for my shoulder awhile ago. i took that and half a vicadin one night to try to cope with my shoulder. i didnt really notice anything.

i did this time, but it took hours and hours and the effects are subtle. which is good. yar. i wish i had a dog to walk. its sunny and cool out.

p.s. i got reviewed by raresilk, FINALLY, after waiting over a month. and this is the mostly useless review they gave me. sounds to me like this reviewer didnt really feel like reviewing anything seriously but did the review anyway. well, whatever.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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