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brief update, more later.

22 sept 2003 mon - 21:22

i am oh so sleepy. i want to crawl in my bed, read for half an hour, and pass out. but i thought i'd take five seconds and post briefly. eventually im going to get un-lazy and make a post about why i dont think being married and queer is contradictory (for me), but i have yet to get to it. a friend emailed me and asked about it, so i thought i'd dedicate a post to it and send her the link; or some such thing.

i had a nice, nice weekend. fri and sat were spent at a non-violence training conference; aimed at preparing for the school of the america's weekend. eric lecompte lead a really nice session, in addition to other fine events. the madlib players (our theatre group) did a rendition of "the fall and rise of liberty" during a break & ice cream social. as an unannounced surprise, it was much appreciated and clapped at.

then i went to a lovely outdoor party on saturday - thrown by some friends. it was like the raves i used to go to when i was 14 only my friends were doing it. there was good tunes, no cops or ODs, a bonfire, lots of nice peeps, very few "ravers." i have a few interesting stories from that. but im tired and i'll get into what happened this weekend, as well as providing links to finding out what the hell the school of the americas is and a back link to the play reference. one link i suppose i ought not be so lazy as to leave out: one of my pending reviews came in! this one looks like the person took more than five seconds. and i really appreciate that he didnt like snm but didnt trip on it either - objectivity and whatnot. you can find the review here. one theme i am finding is that people seem to think i should be capitalizing. well, i dont. and people seem to think i should have an email link. i dont want one, thats why i dont have one. in fact, if you email [email protected] it automatically gets filtered into my trash - too much spam. so i hope none of you has tried to email me. if you want to email me, leave a note, comment, or sign the guestbook and leave your email addy.

ok. i am going to bed. i have another fucking interview tomorrow with another christing job service. more stupid tests on computers and applications that say the same shit as my resume but they still want you to apply in that way for anal reasons. there are actually a couple jobs ive applied for that i would like, but i doubt ill get them. oh - the kid with cerebral palsy didnt work out because the parents sent him to an institution! sucks for him...all the other spots are too far. the lady told me she'd love to hire me and i should call her when i get a car.


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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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