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twat-blood red

26 dec 2003 fri - 12:19

eh, kelly, la prochaine fois, il faut tirer le chasse. (hey kelly, next time you should ... something)

what? i am watching ponge pull on his sweatpants from under the cozy sheets.

il faut tirer le chasse.

qu'est-ce que �a veut dire? (what does that mean?) i think he is telling me i should have flushed the toilet, but i don't know this exact phrase so i want to be sure. in our house we have a custom: if it's yellow, let it mellow. brown? flush it down. this is to not waste so much water just because you took a piss and in the name of the american over-obsession with the Sanitary. that morning i had cleaned out my keeper into the usual clutter of piss and toilet paper, leaving a bright red trail. to my knowledge no one has ever done that before in this house, and i'm ready for it to be an issue.

tu as nettoy� ton truc et laiss� le sang dedans. il faillait tirer le chasse. (you cleaned out your thing [he's referring to my Keeper] and left blood in the toilet. you should have flushed.) now i am sure. "tirer" is the verb for "to pull." "un chasse" must be the toilet handle. flush the toilet. pull the toilet handle. see, if i was going to try to say that, i prolly would have looked for a verb equivilant to "flush." but i would have been wrong.

pourquoi? c'est que la difference entre le sang et le piss? (why? what's the difference between blood and piss?)

he shrugs, peut-�tre c'est plus visiant...(maybe that it's more visable)

et alors? �a c'est appartien de la vie. en plus, on laisse le piss et le sang ne sent pas assez mauvais que le piss. (so what? it's a part of life. anyway, we let piss sit there and blood doesn't smell as bad as piss)

he doesn't say anything and goes downstairs to work out. i ponder for two seconds more. blood is more visible? bright yellow liquid that fills up the whole fucken toilet (and smells) is less visible than a small trail of red? besides, twat-red is pretty and piss-yellow is not. no no, that is social conditioning. simply because he's never seen or dealt with twat-blood he sees it as undesirable to see or deal with. well, we're going to deal with it. i'm going to ask him to take a good close look at me, with my little Keeper knob poking out. i'm going to invite him to watch me take out and clean the Keeper, and we are going to study my reproductive system together.

oh - and this morning a coworker called looking for me to come in early so she coud leave to go to chicago. in our conversation she offered to take my shift on the 11th. so both our problems were solved. rock.

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26 oct 2005 wed - my dead diary.

14 jun 2004 mon - drug use et al.

11 jun 2004 fri - stuff to take care of

01 jun 2004 tue - quit again again again

30 may 2004 sun - u n l o a d


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